Monday, 28 July 2014

How Was Your Exam : SBI Assistant Exam (27-07-2014 )

SBI has Conducted SBI Assistant Online Test All Over India , Various Centers with Morning & Evening Shift  . Ibps Exam Guru Are Requested to share your Views and Expected Cut Off marks and also Questions . on Sunday  27-07-2014 Test Morning & Evening Shift


share Your Views


  1. 1) Cloze test in general english section was grammatically wrong, but i think it has little to do with the blanks that are needed to be filled. So, for the candidates who are going to attempt it, read the whole paragraph once, understand the concept and then fill the blanks with words that are appropriate.while reading for the first time try to think of the words of yourself that wud fit the blanks bcoz it will be easier for u to fill in the blanks.
    Other than this part everything was correct and easy also.

    2) In maths section 5 questions from data interpretation, 10 from simplification, 5 from number series.
    i am poor in maths so, I can't tell u much.

    3) Coming to Computers/Marketing,questions were asked from plain basics. no need to worry here. but computer questions were tricky but from basic topics. if u use computers at home then it is dead easy to attempt. marketing ques like

    1. who is a prospect customer
    2. who is lead
    3. what is cross selling
    4. customer relationship management (CRM)
    5.what is value added service?- additional service to customers is called as VAS

    4) In GA
    a. what is financial inclusion
    b. world tourism day- read list of imp. dates
    c. union food and agriculture minister- read list of union cabinet minster
    d.maarakesh treaty number of countries
    e.savings account uses

    5) reasoning 5 questions from data sufficiency. 5 syllogism and seating arrangement each

    1. I have appeared on 27th July morning session test ,few questions which have remembered are sharing with you. Hope it will be helpful...............

      In GA :
      1. Chairperson of Bharatiya Mahila Bank.
      2. Currency of Indonesia
      3. Capital of Argentina
      4. Social Justice & empowerment Minster
      5. Road & Transport Minister Nitin Jadgkare constituency .
      6 What is net worth capital of a company
      7. Vijay Sheshadri poetry name
      8. World press freedom name
      9. Kaveri water despite between which 2 states
      10. Boundary of Telangana doesn't touch with which state
      11.150 range missile developed by DRDO
      12.A question on NPA
      13.Question on bancassurence
      14. Regulator of Commodities
      15. According to Company Act ,who is the owner of the company
      16. Where PM Modi inaugrated power plant
      17. Global Peace Index released by whom.
      18.Vitilido disease
      19 what is not a function of bank.
      20 Economic survey released by whom.
      21. 14 banks nationalized on
      22.What is time Liability.

      In Computer/Marketing

      1. 4P's of Marketing
      2.PDF abbreviation
      3. MP3 used in
      4.CD-R abbreviation
      5. Speaker & headphones are what device.
      6.FTP networking
      7.Target Marketing.

      In Reasoning :
      3 arrangements were asked : Circular ,straight line and special grouping.
      No question on Non verbal reasoning.

      In Aptitude:
      5 Questions in DI , 10 from Simplications ,5 from Series.

      English section was easy.

      Overall exam is moderate level. All the best..........................

  2. I would like to thanks for sharing.
