Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Spot The Error in Sentence Practice Set 3

Directions : Read each sentence and find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence.
The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is ‘5’ i.e. no error, (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
1. 1. The principal of equal justice / 2. for all is one of / 3. the cornerstones of our / 4. democratic way of life / 5. No error
2. 1. The trust has succeeded / 2. admirably in raising / 3. money for / 4. its future programmes / 5. No error
3. 1. Honesty, integrity and being intelligent / 2. are the qualities which / 3. we look for when / 4. we interview applicants / 5. No error
4. 1. In order to save petrol, / 2. motorists must have to / 3. be very cautious / 4. while driving along the highways/ 5. No error.
5. 1. If the by stander had not been / 2.familiar with first - aid techniques, / 3. the driver which had met / 4. while driving along the highways / 5. No error.
6. 1. Not one of the children / 2. has ever sang / 3. on any occasion / 4. in public before / 5. No error
7. 1. Neihter the earthquake / 2. nor the subsequent fire / 3. was able to dampen / 4. the spirit of the residents / 5. No error.
8. 1. The customer scarcely had / 2. enough money to pay/ 3. to the cashier / 4. at the cash counter / 5. No error.
9. 1. The apparently obvious solutions / 2. to most of his problems / 3. were overlook by / 4. many of his friends / 5. No error.
10. 1. By arresting the local criminals / 2. and encouraging good people / 3. we can end / 4. hostilities of that area / 5. No error
11. 1. Sharad was entrusted with / 2. the task of coordination yesterday’s programme / 3. but due to certain difficulties / 4. he does not do it / 5. No error.
12. 1. One should make / 2. his best efforts if / 3. one wishes to archive /. success in this organisation / 5. No error.
13. 1. Having deprived from their / 2. homes in the recent earthquakee / 3. they had no other option but / 4. to take shelter in a school / 5. No error.
14. 1. The technician reminded / 2. them to have a / 3. throughly cleaning of the / 4. machine after each use / 5. No error.
15. 1. The villager told / 2. us where was the / 3. temple and even led / 4. us to the spot / 5. No error.
16. 1. The person who / 2. they are / 3. referring to is none other / 4. than my close friend / 5. No error
17. 1. Mahesh was kind enough to /2. inform us about the / 3. conspiracy but declined to /4. name the person behind it / 5. No error
18. 1. He told the policeman / 2. that he would rather/ 3. starve to stealing to get / 4. what he has been aspiring for / 5. No error.
19. 1. In spite of the workload yesterday / 2. Nitin manages to play / 3. it cool and continued / 4. with his work as usual / 5. No error
20. 1. The demand of the workers / 2. union that the dismissed / 3. employee to reinstated has / 4. been accepted by the management / 5. No error
Answers :
1. 1. Part ‘1’ should be “The principle of equal justice”.
2. 4. Part ‘4’ should be “its future programme”.
3. 1. Part ‘1’ should be “Honesty, integrity and intelligence”.
4. 2. Part ‘2’ should be “motorists have to” or “motorists must be”.
5. 3. Part ‘3’ should be “the driver who had met”.
6. 2. Part ‘2’ should be “has ever sung”.
7. 3. Part ‘3’ should be “could dampen”.
8. 2. Part ‘2’ should be “had scarcely any money to pay”.
9. 3. Part ‘3’ should be “were overlooked by”.
10. 4. Part ‘4’ should be “hostilities in that area”.
11. 4. Part ‘4’ should be “he could not do it”.
12. 2. Part ‘2’ should be “one’s best efforts it”.
13. 1. Part ‘1’ should be “Having been deprived of their”.
14. 3. Part ‘3’ should be “thorough cleaning of the”.
15. 2. Part ‘2’ should be “us where the temple was”.
16. 1. Part ‘1’ should be “The person whom”.
17. 2. Part ‘2’ should be “to inform us of the”.
18. 3. Part ‘3’ should be “strave than steal to get”.
19. 2. Part ‘2’ should be “Nitin managed to play”.
20. 3. Part ‘3’ should be “employee be reinstated, has”.

Also read :
Spot The Error in Sentence Practice Set 1
Spot The Error in Sentence Practice Set 2

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