Directions (1-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)
1. As you know(l)/ by my visiting" card(2)/ I am now(3)/ in Mumbai( 4) / No error(5).
Ans: 5
2. With a fresh coat(l)/of paint(2)/ the school can(3)/ look much nice(4) / No error(5)
3. I asked the salesman(l)/ If I could exchange(2)/ the faulty camera(3) / with another one(4) / No error(5)
4. I took me(l)/ almost a hour(2)/ to fill the(3)/ application form(4) / No error(5)'
5. She insists(l)/ you stay(2)/ until her husband(3)/ comes home(4)/ No error(5)
6. I don't understand(l)/ how she could(2)/treat him(3)/so bad(4)/ No error(5)
7. At any arrival(l)/ in Delhi(2)/ I went straight(3)/ to the nearest hospital.(4)/ No error(5)
8. It is more better(1)/ if one of the parents(2)/ stays at home(3)/ to look after the children(4) / No error
9. These reports have(l)/ deterred some(2)/ women to have(3) / the operation(4)/ No error(5)
10. I answered(l)/ the questions(2)/ as best as(3)/ I could(4)/ No error/ (5)
1. (5) No error
2. (4) 'Look much nice' should be replaced with 'look very nice'. It should be noted that very is used to modify Adjectives and past participles used as Adjectives.
For example,
I am very hungry. (Adjective)
I am very interested in music.
Past Participle
3. (4) 'Another' is an indefinite determiner which means an additional person or thing. The use of'one' after it is superfluous.
4. (2) 'Almost a hour' should be replaced with 'almost an hour' because 'h' of hour is Pronounced with vowelsound.
For example,
Ram is a honest man. (x)
Vowel sound
Ram is an honest man. (/)
Vowel sound
5. (2) 'You stay' should be replaced with 'you on staying', because 'insist' is always followed by preposition 'on'.
For example,
She will insist on getting up early and playing her radio very loud.
6. (4) 'So bad' should be replaced with 'so badly'. Bad is an adjective and its Adverbial form is badly.
For example,
The accident damaged his car bad.(x)
↓ ↓
verb Adjective
The accident damaged his car badly. (/)
↓ ↓
verb Adverb
7. (5) No error
8. (1) 'It is more better' should be replaced with 'it is better'. The use of double comparatives is wrong.
For example,
He is more better than Ram. (x)
He is better than Ram. (√)
He is much better than Ram. (√)
9. (3) The word 'deter' is followed by preposition 'from'. There-fore, 'women from having' is the correct use.
For example,
What is the best way to deter young people from taking up smoking ?
10. (3) 'As best as' should be replaced with 'as best'. The idiom 'as best one can' means not perfectly but as well as one is able to.
For example, the facilities were not ideal but we managed as best we could.
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