Monday, 22 February 2016

SBI PO Reasoning Questions Previously Asked

Directions (Q.1-6): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. Aword and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: jug 91 stable 24 46 32 over cake

Step I: 91 jug stable 24 46 32 over cake

Step II: 91 cake jug stable 24 46 32 over

Step III: 91 cake 46 jug stable 24 32 over

Step IV: 91 cake 46 jug 32 stable 24 over

Step V: 91 cake 46 jug 32 over stable 24

Step I: 91 cake 46 jug 32 over 24 stable

and Step VI as the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed inthe above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

1. Input: break 72 pot new 28 36 17 store. Which of the following steps will be the last but one?
1) IV
2) V
3) VI
4) VII
5) None of these
Ans: 5; Input: break 72 pot new 28 36 17 store
Step I: 72 break pot new 28 36 17 store
Step II: 72 break 36 pot new 28 17 store
Step III: 72 break 36 new pot 28 17 store
Step IV: 72 break 36 new 28 pot 17 store
Step III is the last but one step.


2. Step II of an input is: 86 and 12 16 38 gone now far. How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
1) Three
2) Four
3) Five
4) Six
5) None of these
Ans: 2; Step II: 86 and 12 16 38 gone now far
Step III: 86 and 38 12 16 gone now far
Step IV: 86 and 38 far 12 16 gone now
Step V: 86 and 38 far 16 12 gone now
Step VI: 86 and 38 far 16 gone 12 now


3. Step III of an input is: 75 bond 69 12 yes town go 36 Which of the following is definitely the input?
1) 12 yes bond 75 69 town go 36
2) bond 12 69 yes town go 36 75
3) 69 bond 75 12 yes town go 36
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
Ans: 4; Input cannot be determined from the given step.

4. Input: 32 for all get 12 19 high 45 Which of the following will be the step IV?
1) 45 32 for all get 12 19 high
2) 45 all 32 for get 12 19 high
3) 45 all 32 for 19 get 12 high
4) There will be no such step
5) None of these
Ans: 4; Input: 32 for all get 12 19 high 45
Step I: 45 32 for all get 12 19 high
Step II: 45 all 32 for get 12 19 high
Step III: 45 all 32 for 19 get 12 high
Step III is the last step


5. Step II of an input: 59 come sow time 15 20 you 38. Which of the following steps will be the last?
1) IV
2) VI
3) V
4) VII
5) None of these
Ans: 1; Step II: 59 come sow time 15 20 you 38
Step III: 59 come 38 sow time 15 20 you
Step IV: 59 come 38 sow 20 time 15 you
This is the last step.


6. Input: new coat buy 16 23 49 tower 84 How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
1) Four
2) Five
3) Six
4) Seven
5) None of these
Ans: 2; Input: now coat buy 16 23 49 tower 84
Step I: 84 new coat buy 16 23 49 tower
Step II: 84 buy new coat 16 23 49 tower
Step III: 84 buy 49 new coat 16 23 tower
Step IV: 84 buy 49 coat new 16 23 tower
Step V: 84 buy 49 coat 23 new 16 tower
This is the last step and hence five steps are needed

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