Friday, 18 March 2016

SBI clerk Reasoning practice Questions Set 3

SBI clerk Reasoning practice Questions Set 3

Directions (1 - 3): These questions are based on the following information:
1) ‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is mother of Q’
2) ‘P $ Q’ means ‘P is husband of Q’
3) ‘P # Q’ means ‘P is sister of Q’
4) ‘P * Q’ means ‘P is son of Q’


1. Which of the following indicates the relationship ‘R is daughter of T’?
1) T@B#F*R   
2) T@B#R*F   
3) R#F*B@T
4) R#F*B$T   
5) None of these


2. M*H@D$K represents what relation of H with K?
1) Mother   
2) Father     
3) Father-in-law
4) Cannot be determined 
5) None of these


3. If F # J * T $ R @ L, then which of the following is definitely true?
1) L is brother of J   
2) F is sister of L   
3) F is brother of J
4) F is brother of L 
5) None of these


Directions  (4  -  5):  Read  the  information  given  below  to  answer  the  questions  that
1) ‘P X Q’ means ‘Q is mother of P’
2) ‘P + Q’ means ‘P is brother of Q’
3) ‘P – Q’ means ‘P is sister of Q’
4) ‘P / Q’ means ‘Q is father of P’


4. Which of the following definitely means ‘X is grandson of D’?
1) X x H – D 
2) A + X x H – D 
3) A – X x H – D
4) cannot be determined  
5) None of these


5. Which of the following statements is superfluous to answer the above question?
1) (i) only   
2) (ii) only  
3) (iii) only
4) (iv) only  
5) None of these


Directions  (6  -  9):  Study  the  following  information  carefully  and  answer  the  questions  given below:
Three ladies and four men are a group of friends i.e. P, K, R, Q, J, V and X. Each one has a  different profession i.e. Lawyer, Travel Agent, Air-hostess, Doctor, Professor, Consultant and  Jeweller  and  each  one  owns  a  different  car  i.e.  Alto,  Corolla,  Santro,  Lancer,  Ikon,  Scorpio  and Esteem, not necessarily in that order. None of the ladies is a Consultant or a Lawyer. R  is  an  Air-hostess  and  she  owns  an  Ikon  Car.   P  owns  a  Scorpio.  K  is  not  a  Doctor.  J  is  a  Jeweller  and  The  Doctor  owns  Esteem  car  whereas  the  Professor  owns  Scorpio.  The  Travel  Agent owns an Alto. None of the ladies owns a Scorpio.

6. Who are the three ladies in the group?
1) V, R, K  
2) R, P, J   
3) R, K, Q
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these


7. What car does Q own?
1) Esteem  
2) Lancer   
3) Alto  
4) Santro 
5) None of these


8. Who owns the car Lancer?
1) V   
2) X     
3) K
4) Data inadequate  
5) None of these


9. What is the profession of K?
1) Doctor    
2) Professor  
3) Travel Agent
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these


Directions  (10 -  14):  Study  the  following  information  carefully  and  answer  the  questions
given below:
(i)  A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven persons wearing a different colour shirt – white, red,  black, green, yellow, blue and violet and a different colour trousers – blue, red, white  black,  cream,  yellow  and  indigo.  The  persons,  colour  of  the  shirt  and  colour  of  the  trousers above are not necessarily in the same order. No person is wearing shirt and  trousers of same colour.
(ii)  B is wearing red colour shirt and is not wearing cream or yellow colour trousers. D is  wearing  green  colour  shirt  and  indigo  colour  trousers.  Colour  of  A’s  shirt  and  F’s  trousers is same. Colour of E’s shirt and C’s trousers is same. G is wearing blue shirt
and E is wearing blue trousers. F is not wearing any yellow dress. A is not wearing a  white  shirt.  Red  and  blue  is  not  the  combination  of  shirt  and  trousers  of  any  of  the  persons.
10. Who wears violet colour shirt?
1) C 
2) F 
3) C or F 
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these


11. What is the colour of B’s trousers?
1) White   
2) Indigo 
3) Red 
4) Data inadequate 
5) Non of these


12. What is the colour of A’s trousers?
1) Cream 
2) Blue 
3) White 
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these


13. What is the colour of F’s Shirt?
1) Green 
2) Blue 
3) Violet 
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these


14. What is the colour of G’s trousers?
1) Indigo 
2) White 
3) Cream 
4) Red 
5) None of these


Answers :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
4 5 2 5 3 3 5 1 3 3 1 5 4 3

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