Wednesday, 22 June 2016

General Awareness Quiz 19 for SBI & IBPS exams

General Awareness Quiz 19 for SBI & IBPS exams

1 . As per Section 6 of the Banking Regulation Act, a banking company can undertake
A.   Merchant Banking
B.   Issue of guarantee and indemnity
C.   Executor and trustee business
D.   All of the above
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2 . RBI has now permitted banks to carry on the business of Leasing,Hire Purchase and Factoring directly by themselves, the leadings under each category should not exceed
A.   1% of the total bank credit
B.   5% of the total bank credit
C.   10% of the total bank credit
D.   All of the above
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3 . Under Section 20 of Banking Regulation Act, a bank is prohibited from granting any loan or advance to
A.   Any of its directors
B.   Any firm in which directors are interested as partner, manager etc.
C.   Any company in which a director is interested as Managing director etc
D.   All of the above
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4 . Section 17 of the Banking Regulation Act lays down that banks shall create a reserve fund out of the balance of profit of each year, also before the declaration of dividend a certain percentage of such profit should be transferred to the reserve fund. This percentage is
A.   10% of such profit
B.   20% of such profit
C.   15% of such profit
D.   None of these
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5 . A scheduled bank is one, the name of which is included in the second scheduled of RBI Act, 1934. Such a bank should have a paid up Capital and Reserves of an aggregate value of not less than
A.   Rs. 1 lakh
B.   Rs. 5 lakh
C.   Rs. 10 lakh
D.   Rs. 100 lakh
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6 . The Land Development Banks grant medium term loan for Land Development etc. against the mortgage of lands. In some states these banks are known as
A.   Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
B.   Slate Co-operative Banks
C.   Land Mortgage Banks
D.   None of these
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7 . In 1992 RBI had appointed a committee to make recommendations to tone up the working of the Urban Co-operative Banks. The name of the committee was
A.   Marathe Committee
B.   Narsimham Committee
C.   Tondon Committee
D.   None of these
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8 . The working of RRBs was reviewed in 1986 and their continuance and greater involvement of the sponsor bank in their management was recommended by
A.   Narsimham Committee
B.   Kelkar Committee
C.   Khusro Committee
D.   All of the above
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9 . The Regulatory Authority for Regional Rural Banks is
B.   Sponsoring Bank
C.   State Government and Central Government and sponsoring bank in the ratio of 45:5:35
D.   All of the above
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10 . RRBs have been making contribution in the area of rural credit since f reception still they suffer from the following weaknesses
A.   Poor capital structure
B.   Increasing overheads and decreasing profits
C.   Lack of effective coordination between commercial Banks Co-operative Banks and RRBs in the area of their operation
D.   All of the above
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