Thursday, 23 June 2016

General Awareness Quiz 23 for SBI & IBPS exams

General Awareness Quiz 23 for SBI & IBPS exams

1 . Which Bank had taken over the Imperial Bank of India ?
A.   State Bank of India
B.   Reserve Bank of India
C.   Indian Bank
D.   None of these
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2 . The Banking Companies Act, 1949 was enacted to consolidate and amend the law relating to banking companies, with effect from 1st March 1966, the name of the Act has been changed as
A.   The Banking Regulation Act 1949
B.   The Banking and Transfer of Undertaking Act
C.   Negotiable Instrument Act
D.   None of these
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3 . The Blinking Regulation Act, 1949 was enacted with the objective of
A.   checking bank failures
B.   ensuring adequate branch expansion in rural areas
C.   consolidating arid amending the law relation to banking companies
D.   None of these
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4 . A customer has a right to ask the hank to return him a paid instrument before the expiry of period of such instruments under the provisions of
A.   Section 131 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
B.   Section 34 of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
C.   Section 45 Z of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949
D.   All of the above
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5 . Section 14 A (1) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 prohibits a banking company from
A.   allowing advance against its own shares
B.   creating floating charge on the undertaking or any property of the company or any part thereof
C.   disclosing secret reserves created by it
D.   All of the above
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6 . Section 26 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 requires every banking company to submit an annual return to the Reserve Bank of India, in respect of
A.   advances to agriculture sector
B.   all accounts in India which have not been operated upon for ten years
C.   advances allowed to priority sector
D.   None of these
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7 . As per the provision of Section 29 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 every banking company is required to prepare its final accounts; viz., Profit & Loss account and Balance Sheet in the firms prescribed in
A.   the second schedule to the RBI Act, 1934
B.   the third schedule to the banking regulation act, 1949
C.   Table A to the Companies Act, 1956
D.   None of these
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8 . As per guidelines of Reserve Bank of India, a new private sector bank
A.   shall be subject to prudential norms in regard to income recognition, asset classification and provisioning, capital adequacy etc.
B.   shall have to observe priority sector lending targets as applicable to other domestic banks.
C.   Will be required to open rural and semi urban branches
D.   All of the above
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9 . As per guidelines issued by RBI on 3rd January, 2001
A.   the minimum paid up capital requirement of a newly set up private sector bank should be at least Rs. 200 crore and the same should be raised to Rs. 300 crore within three years of commencement of business.
B.   minimum capital adequacy ratio should be at 10 percent on continuous basis from the commencement of business.
C.   Both (1) and (2)
D.   None of these
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10 . The main thrust of the branch licensing policy is
A.   To provide freedom to banks to rationalise the structure of their branches
B.   to give an opportunity to the banks to open as many branches as they wish
C.   Both 1 and 2
D.   to increase number of bank branches in the country
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